Chemical Analysis
Conformational Analysis
JEF TEC provides the quantitative analysis of elements in various forms of metals using various wet analysis methods.
Analysis of Precipitates and Inclusions in Iron and Steel Materials
The precipitates and inclusions (intermetallic compounds) in iron and steel materials such as metal oxides and metal sulfides have large effects on the properties of steel.
JFE-TEC can propose the "method for analysis of inclusions and precipitates in different forms based on the chemical extraction and separation method" in order to know the amount, composition, particle size and particle size distribution of the inclusions and precipitates.

IR method: Infrared Spectroscopy
XRD: X-ray Diffraction
SEM: Scanning Electron Microscope
TEM: Transmission Electron Microscope
ICP-MS: Induced Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
AAS: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Method for analysis of inclusions and precipitates in different forms
based on the chemical extraction and separation method
Analysis of Silicon Materials in Different Forms
JFE-TEC developed the sample dissolution method of silicon materials for allowing the analysis of not only total silicon but also silicon materials in different forms such as free metallic silicon, free carbon and silicon carbide, and total and free silica.