Testing (Material Property Evaluation)
Investigation of Materials/Investigations of Properties
Investigation of Materials/Investigations of Properties
JFE-TEC performs commissioned investigations of the material quality of iron and steel, stainless steel, cast iron, nonferrous metals (aluminum, copper, titanium, etc.), high alloys, rubber and plastics. We also evaluate various properties (workability, weldability, fracture toughness, creep, fatigue, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, magnetic properties, residual stress).
- High Speed Deformation Tests
- Evaluation of Material Quality of Dismantled Auto Body/Auto Parts
- Material Tests
- Fatigue Tests
- Corrosion Tests/Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance
- Rubber and Resins
Examples of Investigations
- Investigation of High Temperature Tensile Properties of Heat Resistant Alloy
- Investigation of Strength of Lock Pin
- Investigation of sliding performance of thin metallic sheet
- Investigation of Microstructure of Titanium Alloy
- Investigation of Nonmetallic Inclusions in Steel for Camshafts
- Creep Test of Aluminum Alloys
- Measurement of Residual Stress of Stainless Steel Welds
- Investigation of Deterioration of Resin Pipes
- Bending Tests of Ceramics
- Fatigue Toughness Test of Rail Steel
Defect of Alumite (anodized aluminum) Microstructure of copper alloy (EBSP)