Introduction of the Fellows
Dr. Eng. Yuji MIKI

Yuji MIKI Specialty; High-temperature processes and numerical analysis

We propose innovative solutions for carbon neutrality

Due to the difficulty of direct observation of the high-temperature reaction vessels in iron and steel making processes, simulations by numerical analysis have long been used to elucidate their mechanisms. In recent years, efforts have also been made to optimize the iron and steel making process by modeling it as a cyber-physical system, or CPS.

Utilizing the laboratory experimental and numerical analysis simulation technologies cultivated in the development of the steel making processes, JFE Techno-Research aims to be a partner that can provide a wide range of solutions contributing to carbon neutrality, for example, in evaluations of burner combustion and CO2 gas separation and recovery and so on.

(The photo shows an infrared image furnace, which makes it possible to observe the condition of melting and combustion of substances under high temperatures.)


  • Iwatani Naoji Memorial Award (2016)
  • The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan: Nishiyama Commemorative Prize (2015), Mishima Medal (2022), Tawara Award (2016, 2017, 2018), Outstanding Paper Award (2022)
  • The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials: Technical Development Award (2013, 2016)
  • Iron and Steel Society (US): Frank B. McKune Award (1997)

Representative paper

  • Modeling of inclusion removal in a tundish  Y.MIKI. B.G.THOMAS, Metallugical Trans.B, 30B(1999),639-954.
    Please refer (Springer Nature)
  • Internal defects of continuous casting slabs caused by asymmetric unbalanced steel flow in mold Y.MIKI, S.TAKEUCHI, ISIJ Int., 43(2003)10,1548-1555.
    Please refer (J-STAGE)
  • Model of inclusion removal during RH degassing of steel Y.MIKI, Y.SHIMADA, B.G.THOMAS, A.DENISSOV,Iron Steelmaker, 24(1997)8,31-38.
    Please refer (Continuous Casting Consortium)
  • Mechanism for Separating Inclusions from Molten Steel Stirred with a Rotating Electro-magnetic Field. Y.MIKI, H.KITAOKA, T.SAKURAYA, T.FUJII、ISIJ Int.32(1992)1,142-149.
    Please refer (J-STAGE)

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