Weld Performance Evaluation
Automotive Welding Tests (Spot Welding Tests for Thin Sheets)
Case Studies of Automotive Welding (Spot Welding Tests for Thin Sheets)
Spot welding of thin sheets -
Spot Welding Test Methods
- Quantitative Evaluation Tests
- Tensile shear test (JIS Z 3136)
- Cross tension test (JIS Z 3137)
- Field Test Methods (Routine Tests,JIS Z 3144)
- Peel test
- Torsion test
- Chisel test
- Cross-Sectional Tests (JIS Z 3139)
- Test of Welding Production Conditions
- Electrode life test (continuous spot welding test)
Cross tension test -
Fracture part in peel test
Record of shape
deformation of electrode tip -
Example of cross-sectional
observation of spot welds